Consumer Confidence Report
The Lake Don Pedro CSD is required by the state division of drinking water to continuously test the drinking water for bacteria and other contaminents. The results of the water sampling for a full calendar year is then summarized in an annual report called a "Consumer Confidence Report" or CCR. The CCR is annually mailed to customers. The Please click the link below to view the Consumer Confidence Reports for last year and the most recent several years:
2023 Consumer Confidence Report.pdf2022 Consumer Confidence Report.pdf2021 Consumer Confidence Report.pdf2020 Consumer Confidence Report.pdf2019 Consumer Confidence Report.pdfLDPCSD CCR 2019.pdfConsumer Confidence Report for 2018.pdfConsumer Confidence Report for 2017.pdfConsumer Confidence Report for 2016.pdfConsumer Confidence Report for 2015.pdf2014 Consumer Confidence Report.pdf