Frequently Asked Questions
What is the monthly service charge used for?
The monthly service charge is used to pay for the fixed costs associated with maintaining the water system. These costs are not dependent on water delivery. (The service charge is due whether water is used or not).
What is the $2.95 usage charge used for?
The water usage charge pays for the direct costs associated with physically delivering water. (Each unit of water = 748 gallons for $2.95).
What is the cost for a meter installation?
The cost to have a 5/8 inch meter installed is $5,500.00. $5,000.00 goes to the Capital Facility Improvement Fee and $500.00 is the meter set fee.
What is the Capital Facility Improvement Fee?
The Capital Facility Improvement Fee pays for the expansion and upgrading of the District's water system.
What is the Annual Availability Charge?
The Availability Charge is applicable to all unimproved lots and parcels that have not yet requested a meter hook up. These funds also help to offset maintenance costs of the District's facilities.
How much will I pay for an Availability Charge?
Any parcel that is 1 acre and smaller will pay a fixed amount of $60.00. Parcels larger than 1 acre pay an additional $6.00 for each one tenth of an acre up to a maximum of 3 acres or larger at $180.00 per California Government Code 61765.15. The Availability charge is not billed by the District, but placed on the County tax rolls to be paid with your property tax. This eliminates another annual bill to the customer and saves the Water District a considerable amount of money.
What do I do if I don't receive a bill in the mail?
Although the District cannot be responsible for the mail once the Utility bills leave our office, you can call a customer service representative between the hours of 7:30am and 2:30pm, Mon, Tues, Thurs, & Fri at (209) 852-2331 and someone will be glad to assist you with the status of your account. Meters are usually read the last week of each month and the billing process starts on the first day of the next month. Payments are always due no later than the last day of each month.
What if I come to pay my bill in person and your office is closed?
If the office is closed, you can pay online at www.ldpcsd.org , we also have a night drop box across from the front doors of the office. The drop box is conveniently located on the left side so you don't even have to get out of your vehicle to drop off your payment.
Why might my water pressure be too low/high?
The pressure depends on the location of the supply tanks in relationship to your home. Water service connections can be protected from pressure fluctuations and high pressure by having a Pressure Regulating Valve (PRV) installed. PRV's are required per Ordinance 97-01. Contact a plumber for more information about PRV's and installation.
How do I know that my drinking water is safe?
To ensure compliance with both State and Federal regulations, the District performs a variety of tests both before and after treatment. Bacteriological tests are performed twice monthly. Other tests to determine Quality of source water are performed on an annual basis.